
From a list of dictionnaries

Create a dataframe from a list of dictionnaries


Named parameters:

geometryCol:required String: the geometry column name. The data must be of type GeoPoint or GeoSerie
speedCol:String: the speed column name. The data must be of type double
timestampCol:String: the timestamp column name. The data must be of type int
 TimestampType: the type of timestamp default TimestampType.milliseconds
verbose:bool: verbosity default false
final data = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
      "geometry": GeoPoint(latitude: 51.0, longitude: 0.0),
      "timestamp": 125855222,
      "speed": 0.0,
      "altitude": 100.0,
      "foo": 30,
      "bar": 10.0
final df = GeoDataFrame.fromRecords(data,
     geometryCol: "geometry",
     speedCol: "speed",
     timestampCol: "timestamp");

From a geojson file

Create a dataframe from a geojson file

Important: supported geojson features are: Point, Line, MultiPoint



path:required String: the path to the geojson file

Named parameters:

 String: the geojson property with a timestamp default: timestamp
speedProperty:String: the geojson property for speed default: speed
 TimestampType: the type of the timestamp default: TimestampType.milliseconds
verbose:bool: verbosity default false
final df = await GeoDataFrame.fromGeoJsonFile("data/positions.geojson");

With random data

Create a dataframe filled with random data


Named parameters:

distance:double: the distance between points default 10.0
speed:double speed of each point. If not provided it will be randomized
timeInterval:Duration time between each point default Duration(seconds: 10)
bearing:double bearing of each point default 142.0
startLatitude:double latitude of the first geopoint default 51.0
startLongitude:double longitude of the first geopoint default 0.0
numRecords:int number of records default 100
verbose:bool: verbosity default false
final df = GeoDataFrame.random();